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Spiritual Blooming August 2022
Introduction, Links & Resources (10:03)
Email Roster
Workshop 1: Saturday
Before your Class Worksheet (6:16)
Intro and sharing--why we are here (52:31)
Meditation: Self Love (35:02)
Sharing after Meditation (21:38)
Going Beyond Ego Mind (32:36)
Spiritual Prep: spiritual inquiry (14:45)
Sharing after Spiritual Inquiry (24:59)
Group Spiritual Hypnosis: Soul Connection (39:54)
Final Sharing and Closing (43:55)
Workshop 1: Sunday
Meditation: Electrical Healing (29:50)
Sharing plus Q and A after meditation (48:09)
Mental Blind Spots: Difficulty Understanding the Self (56:22)
Self Inquiry on Blind Spots (13:01)
Ego vs Soul Consciousness and Q and A (18:54)
Breath Work: Releasing Blind Spots - Prana Power (24:08)
Final sharing, homework and closing (48:01)
In Between Practices Week 1
Buddhi Mind Meditation (17:44)
Releasing Meditation (15:15)
In Between Practices Week 2
Buddhi Mind Meditation: next step (21:11)
Tips for Practicing between Workshops (5:01)
About Spiritual Blooming Support Group (SBS) (4:40)
Posting: Let's "Talk Amongst Ourselves"
In Between Practices Week 3
Vibrational Lift Meditation (14:07)
In Between Practices Week 4
Let's Talk Amongst Ourselves on Blind Spots
Between practices bonus--week 5
a few tips to practice for breathwork (13:36)
Workshop 2: Saturday
Weekend Handouts
Meditation (10:16)
First sharing (38:30)
Liberating the Personality for Spiritual Achievement (49:49)
Meditation: Adjusting the Attitude of the Ego (34:08)
Sharing after meditation (38:30)
Q and A (23:13)
Self inquiry Process (32:58)
Alchemical Group Hypnosis: Clearing Ego Mind, Strengthening Connection to Higher Mind (53:01)
Final Sharing (27:30)
Workshop 2: Sunday
Meditation: Light of Loving/Healing Intelligence from Higher Mind (55:08)
Sharing after Sunday morning meditation (39:14)
The Silent Observer (48:38)
Techniques to Practice the Silent Observer (38:06)
Sharing after Silent Observer Exercise (34:29)
Breath Work:
Final Sharing (26:25)
Between Practices Week 1
Let’s Talk About It
Class Demo Worksheet
In Between Practices Week 2
Let’s Talk about Meditating: Obstacles and Antidotes
30 Day Meditation Challenge
Applying Observer Technique to Obstacles to Meditating
In Between Practices Week 3
More About the Observer Process (12:19)
In Between Practices Week 4
Let's Talk Amongst Ourselves
Workshop 3: Saturday
Brief Meditation (7:59)
First sharing (34:38)
Part 1:The Soul: Higher Self of the Personality (42:59)
Soul Birth Meditation and Sharing afterward (65:00)
Part 2: Soul Principles; Guided Self inquiry; sharing (71:56)
Alchemical Group Hypnosis: the Soul--Cosmic Healing (56:51)
Final Share and Closing for the Day (16:31)
Workshop 3: Sunday
Brief Meditation (22:54)
Sharing Comments and Questions (21:44)
Teaching: Why the Soul Guides the Ego thru Karma (38:46)
Healing Earth Karma Meditation and Sharing (70:05)
Obtaining Clarity: the Desire for Pleasure (22:58)
Q and A
Breathwork: (36:21)
Final sharing (42:20)
In Between Readings
Readings--perspectives from masters
Between Practices
Putting it all Together (11:53)
Workshop 4 Saturday
Handouts for the weekend
Intro (8:02)
Personal Mantra Meditation--Brief (13:42)
First Sharing (23:58)
Teaching on Silent Meditation (34:09)
Reading Together: Breathing and the Cosmic Breath (12:18)
Creating a Sacred Meditation Space (22:46)
Silent Meditation #1: Soul Introspection (64:45)
Sharing after Soul Introspection Meditation (42:47)
Silent Meditation #2: Thought Observing (64:16)
Final Sharing (29:48)
Workshop 4 Sunday
Creating a Sacred Space Meditation--Brief (14:55)
Sharing (26:07)
Personal and Spiritual Reasons for Meditating (38:48)
Silent Meditation #3: Thought Observing (60:14)
Sharing after #3 Meditation (31:57)
Silent Meditation 4 : Thought Observing (51:49)
Sharing after #4 Meditation (24:04)
Cosmic Breath Meditation Breathwork (65:37)
Final Sharing, Suggested Continuing Practices and Closing Song (58:41)
Teach online with
Handouts for the weekend
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